Monday, October 26, 2009


Ernst Alexander Wellendorff founded his jewelry design business in 1893 when he started creating jewelry for European royalty. Today, Wellendorff is a recognised name not only in Germany, but all over the world, from the United States to Russia and Asia.
Wellendorff represents timeless beauty: classic models that embody lasting values in our hectic world. An optimal blend of German culture and international gold craftsmanship traditions, Wellendorff has developed its own unique style, and even though the jewellery collections change from time to time and are perfected, the Wellendorff style remains the same. Their unique engraving technology and their "cold enamel" techniques allow them to create a collection of jewelry that is fascinatingly beautiful.
This continuity guarantees that each individual piece bears the brand's personality and characteristics. It is also your guarantee of timeless beauty and classic forms. The company is managed today by the fourth generation of the Wellendorff family.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Van Cleef & Arpels

In 1896, Esther Arpels, the daughter of Salomon Arpels, a dealer in precious stones, married Alfred Van Cleef, whose family were sheet merchants living in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. That same year, Alfred Van Cleef and Salomon Arpels had already established a company with the aim of “founding and running a jewellery business”. In 1906, they registered the “Van Cleef & Arpels” trademark and opened a boutique at 22 place Vendôme. They were soon joined by Esther’s brothers, Salomon, Jules and Louis Arpels. Alfred Van Cleef died in 1938, leaving his daughter, Renée Rachel Puissant, behind him. From 1909 to 1939, Van Cleef & Arpels prospered and opened boutiques in holiday resorts such as Deauville, Le Touquet, Nice and Monte-Carlo.
Progressively, the second generation joined the business. In 1942, the Arpels family emigrated to America and opened their first boutique in New York, on 5th Avenue. Later, Van Cleef & Arpels became the first French jewellers to open boutiques in Japan and China. Over the years, the firm was always managed by a descendant of the Arpels family, until it was acquired by the Compagnie Financière Richemont S.A. in 1999. The company’s prestige stems from a long list of prominent commissions issued by royal and imperial courts, financiers and industrial magnates, which have enabled Van Cleef & Arpels to be active today not only in Europe and the United States, but also in Asia and the Middle East.
Van Cleef & Arpels creations
The history of Van Cleef & Arpels has been marked by a number of milestone creations, the most emblematic of which include:
the first watch with a leather strap, made in yellow or white gold (1923);
a bracelet depicting red and white roses in bloom, made with diamonds, rubies and emeralds, which was awarded the Grand Prix de l’Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes de Paris – First Prize at the International Exposition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts (1925);
the Minaudière, a small precious box that can hold a powder compact, lipstick, lighter, or keys, inspired by Florence Jay Gould (1930);
the Cadenas (Padlock) wristwatch (1936);
the Passe Partout (Take-me-anywhere) bracelet (1939);
the round watch with an ultra-slim case, the P.A. 49 (1949);
the Zip necklace (1950), which can be opened and closed just like a zip;
the Alhambra necklace (1968);
the Millénaire (Millennium) clip (2000);
the Lotus “between-the-fingers” ring (2001);
the Le Songe d’une Nuit d’Été (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) collection (2003);
the Couture collection (2004);
the Pierres de Caractère (Stones of Character) collection (2005);
the Atlantide and Ballet Précieux (Atlantis and Precious Ballet) collections (2007);
the Jardins (Gardens) collection (2008);
The Féerie (Fairy) perfume (2008).

Tiffany & Co.

The year was 1837. Charles Lewis Tiffany and his schoolmate John Young traveled from New England to New York City with an idea and a dream that were to become Tiffany & Co. While the first day of business brought a mere four dollars and 98 cents, the world of jewelry and luxury goods would never again be the same.
Charles Tiffany's tireless search for one-of-a-kind objects charmed and fascinated the wealthy of New York. But when the store obtained some of the French crown jewels in 1887, Tiffany's fame spread far and wide.
Charles Lewis Tiffany went on to introduce the nation's first retail catalogue. And, his obsession with the simple elegance of classic silver design earned Tiffany & Co. the highly coveted Award of Merit at the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1867. This was the first time an American company had been recognized by a European jury.
Of the many individual achievements made under the leadership of Charles Lewis Tiffany, the introduction of the celebrated engagement ring in the 6-prong Tiffany® Setting is one of the most noteworthy. But, of course, Charles Lewis Tiffany's grandest accomplishment was to establish America's preeminent house of design and the world's premier jeweler.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

ტანზანიტის სამკაულები

Танзанит - необычайно красивый драгоценный камень. Во всем мире он встречается только в одном месте. Восхитителен его синий цвет, с легким оттенком пурпура. Благодаря своему необычному сиянию, и с помощью Нью-Йоркского ювелира Тиффани, он сразу превратился в самый желаемый камень в мире.

Его имя напоминает нам о единственном во всем мире месторождении в восточноафриканском государстве Танзании. Африка - кто же думает, при упоминании этого континента, о драгоценных камнях? И между тем, Африка - это континент, дарящий миру множество восхитительных драгоценных камней, как например, танзанит. При его открытии в 1967 году, он был отмечен специалистами, как «драгоценный камень 20-го столетия». Они, буквально, затаили дыхание, когда увидели первые, найденные на Аруша, на севере Танзании, кристаллы глубокого синего цвета. Много миллионов лет назад, в тени гор Килиманджаро, метаморфные сланцы, гнейсы и кварциты сформировали впечатляющие плоские горы. Именно внутри этих возвышений и спрятаны драгоценные кристаллы. Долгое время они оставались скрытыми от глаз людей, пока, однажды, пастухи Массаи не заметили сверкающие на солнце кристаллы и не взяли их с собой

Сегодня в Мерелани в большинстве маленьких месторождений ищут эти желанные кристаллы с помощью современных методов. Как правило, находят мелкие зерна, но иногда встречаются и большие кристаллы, на радость владельца месторождения и многочисленных любителей танзанита.Торговля танзанитом находится в руках мелких торговцев, десятилетиями поддерживающих деловые контакты с фирмами в Индии, Германии, Израиле и США. 90% всех торговцев танзанитом являются официальными членами интернационального общества драгоценных камней (ICA) и обязаны поддерживать его высокий этический стандарт. Такими торговыми путями этот эксклюзивный драгоценный камень, несмотря на его редкость, попадает в известные гранильные дома и к известным ювелирам всего мира.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

International Jewellery Design Excellence (IJDE) Award - Finalists

Title of Design: Liberdade Earring (Earring)Designer: Suka BRAGA (Brazil)Sponsoring Company: FRHuebPrevious Winning Competition: Winner of Brazilian Architecture Category XIV Premio IBGM Design de Joias (2008)

International Jewellery Design Excellence (IJDE) Award - Finalists

Title of Design: Necklace 9 Caprices (Necklace)Designer: Jordi RABAT (Spain)Sponsoring Company: RABATPrevious Winning Competition: Premios Vogue in Best National Jewel Category, Premios Vogue (2008)

International Jewellery Design Excellence (IJDE) Award - Finalists

Title of Design: Vogue (Bangle)Designer: Arunpreet Kaur NAGI (India)Sponsoring Company: Etches JewelleryPrevious Winning Competition: Winner of Party Wear Category, IIGJ Vision 2008

International Jewellery Design Excellence (IJDE) Award - Finalists

Title of Design: Night Of Wishes (Bracelet)Designer: Rajvi MEHTA (India)Sponsoring Company: Binny's Designer Diamond JewelleryPrevious Winning Competition: Indian National Winner-1st Prize in Bracelet Category 5th Tahitian Pearl Trophy (2007-2008)

International Jewellery Design Excellence (IJDE) Award - Finalists

Title of Design: Storming Lady (Earring)Designer: Lila, Lei Na WONG (Hong Kong)Sponsoring Company: Waddy Jewellery GroupPrevious Winning Competition: Gold Prize in Earring Category, Buyers' Favourite Jewelry Design Competition (2008)

International Jewellery Design Excellence (IJDE) Award - Finalists

Title of Design: Charming Rose (Ring)Designer: Nan Ge WANG (Chinese mainland)Sponsoring Company: Shenzhen Y& M Jewelry Co LtdPrevious Winning Competition: Gold Medal in Diamond Jewelry Group Chinese Jewelry Designation Pioneer Award (2007)

International Jewellery Design Excellence (IJDE) Award - Finalists

Title of Design: Eternity Blooming (Necklace)Designer: Joey, Lai Yee CHEUNG (Hong Kong)Sponsoring Company: Cheng & Cheung Production Ltd.Previous Winning Competition: Champion in Professional Category International JDI Competition (2006)

International Jewellery Design Excellence (IJDE) Award - Finalists

Title of Design: Trapeze (Bracelet)Designer: Shen FENG (Chinese mainland)Previous Winning Competition: First Prize in Bracelet Category, 2008 China International Jewelry Design Contest (2008)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

ოქრო და ოქრომჭედლობა

ოქრო - მდიდრული და კეთილშობილი ლითონია. სუფთა ოქრო არ შედის რეაქციაში სხვა ნივთიერებებთან და არ ექვემდებარება კოროზიას.
ოქრო ძალიან რბილია და კარგად ემორჩილება დამუშავებას. გაბრტყელებული 1 კგ ოქროს ფირფიტით შეიძლება დაიფაროს 530 მ2 ფართობი.
ბუნებაში ოქრო იშვიათად არსებობს თვითნაბადის სახით. ის ძირითადათ მოიპოვება ოქროსშემცველი მადნიდან.
საინტერესოა, რომ კალიუმისა და ნატრიუმის ციანიდების მეშვეობით მადნიდან ოქროს გამოყოფის მეთოდი, პირველად გამოიმუშავა 1843 წელს პეტრე რომანის ძე ბაგრატიონმა. პ.რ. ბაგრატიონი (1818-1876) - ინჟინერი და მეცნიერი ფერადი ლითონების მეტალურგიაში - თავისი ბიძის, დიდი მეომრის პეტრე ბაგრატიონის ღირსეული მემკვიდრე იყო. რუსეთის იმპერატორის ამალის გენერალ-ლეიტენანტს ქვეყნის უმაღლესი პოსტებიც ეკავა: 1870-1876 წლებში ის იყო ლიფლანდიის, კურლანდიისა და ესტლანდიის გენერალ-გუბერნატორი.
ამ კუთხით ძალიან მნიშვნელოვან ფაქტს გვაცნობენ ბერძნული წყაროები (საქართველოს ისტორიის ნარკვევები, თბილისი, 1970). ძველ კოლხურ სამეფოში ჰქონიათ მამაპაპათა მიერ დანატოვარი “კვირბები”, რომლებიც ერთგვარ რუკებს წარმოადგენდნენ. სხვა ცნობით ოქროს საწმისი სინამდვილეში ტყავზე ნაწერი წიგნი იყო, რომელშიც აღწერილი იყო ქიმიური გზით ოქროს მოპოვების წესები. თუ გავითვალისწინებთ, რომ ეგრისსა და ქართლში კარგად იყო განვითარებული მეტალურგია, ქვითხუროობა, ოქრომჭედლობა, ხელოსნური წარმოების არაერთი დარგი, ოქროს მოპოვება და ოქრომჭედლობა ქართველების მოღვაწეობის ”ნაციონალურ სფეროდ” გვევლინება.

"Best of the Best" Jewellery Design

26 February, 2009 – The Hong Kong International Jewellery Show 2009 takes place from 4-8 March, at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The International Jewellery Design Excellence (IJDE) Award on the first night of the Show highlights the event, awarding the "Best of the best".
IJDE Award is organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), and coorganised by the Hong Kong Jewellers' & Goldsmiths' Association, Hong Kong Jewellery & Jade Manufacturers Association, Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers' Association and Diamond Federation of Hong Kong, China.
The Award opened only to top prize winners at other international jewellery design competitions in the past two years, it creates a platform to honour creative and eminent jewellery designers from around the world. This year IJDE 2009 received 170 entrants from 27 countries and regions; among them seven submissions from the Chinese mainland, and 24 from Hong Kong; 43 from Europe; and 42 from North America.
"The award pays tribute to the cream of the crop. The result is an elite group of entrants with a proven track record in creativity and design to compete for the highest honour. The ultimate winner will be named 'Champion of Champions' during the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show in March," said Raymond Yip, Assistant Executive Director of HKTDC.
The first round of judging was held in November, with final judging to take place at the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show. The award presentation will take place at Gala Dinner 4 March attended by finalists. The competition rewards creativity and uniqueness of the overall concept, quality of craftsmanship and overall beauty. Under the theme "Splendour of Jewels," celebrities and fashion designer will be present at the Gala.
A distinguished panel of international judges will gather for the final judging, namely Lawrence Ma, Chairman, HKTDC Jewellery Advisory Committee (Hong Kong); Carol Woolton, Jewellery Editor, UK Vogue (UK); Kan Tai Keung, renowned designer (Hong Kong); Jean-François Michaud, renowned jewellery consultant (Switzerland); Joseph Hasbani, Partner, Hasbani Gioielli (Italy); Emma Checkley, Specialist, Jewellery Department, Christie's (UK); Wallace Chan, renowned jewellery designer (Hong Kong); Yao An, Vice-Director, Capital Museum, (Chinese mainland); and Maŕia E Girón, Founder and Partner, MEGAMCAPITAL and MEGADVISE (Spain).